After reading the article, “A smart Board in the Classroom: A Promising Practice for engaging Students” which can be found by clicking below, I learned many things about smart boards being used in the classroom.  Please feel free to read this article along with my post below to become more familiar with smart boards. 

I learned about how sixth grade teacher Pete Darragh wanted to integrate more technology into his classroom at Sidney Glen Elementary School in Port Orchard, Washington. He applied for the grand in order to help his students stay engaged for longer in the classroom. He wanted to add things to the classroom that would keep them engaged in their own learning. He believes that smart boards are an exciting type of technology and would keep the attention of his students.

Previously, I have blogged about smart boards as well. I feel that smart boards are a great way to keep all students involved in the lesson and they are very big which allows everyone to be able to see. This technology also allows you to project your students work onto the board to share with the class. Darragh mentioned that he liked the smart board as well because it allowed those with disabilities to be able to see and stay engaged as well. I think he makes a very valid point because those with disabilities are sometimes more difficult to keep engaged in lessons. I believe that since smart boards are so simple, they should be integrated into many classrooms in order to improve engagement. Although the initial set up of the board and learning the specifics may take a week or so to get used to, I feel that the outcome is worth it and all of the students will benefit from this technology.

For other future educators that are interested in integrating smart boards into their classroom, I would like to put emphasis on the factor of getting those individual's with disabilities involved. I feel that they tend to loose focus or become discouraged easier and with a interesting technology that keeps everyone active, they will be able to stay focused. Smart boards allow for students to share their homework with the entire class and they are then able to learn from each others mistakes. In conclusion, I feel that smart boards are very beneficial to any classroom and all students. They have a great purpose and will add a interesting lesson to the classroom. They will allow everyone to stay together and engaged simultaneously.