Today's society has become one that revolves greatly on technology.  However, the question now is wether technology being brought into the classroom would be a good or bad thing.  There has been extensive research done on this topic and it is a very hard decision to make.  The question is would it be beneficial to the students or not? I personally feel that technology being brought into the classroom could potentially be very beneficial.  I feel this way because of my own personal experiences with technology in the classroom.  I believe that it is very important for teachers to understand new technology and to be able to integrate it into the classroom where their student are able to learn more about new inventions.  Even the simplest forms of technology will allow students to excel in the classroom.  

One example of technology I personally feel is very important is email.  Many students in high school and middle school do not use it but when students get to college, it seems to be a key essential in communicating with professors and fellow students.  It is very efficient way of staying connected with others.  

Another example of technology that I personally feel is very important is the iClicker.  These are clickers that are used frequently in college classes to answer questions throughout the class period.   I feel that the use of these iClickers in classrooms are a very good way to keep students attentive and able to interact in class discussion.  Also, other students are able to see how other students think through different problems and learn from the mistakes made.  

Integrating the use of iClickers into my elementary classroom could be done in a variety of ways.  Providing an iClicker for each student during the class period would be a beneficial way to maintain focus on the lesson of the day.  Also, all the students would be able to participate and would be able to see their mistakes along with the mistakes of their classmates.  Working through problems as a class can be very beneficial when it comes to learning new material because the students are able to learn from each other in a different ways. 

I feel that using iClickers throughout the year, the students will be able to become more comfortable with them even though they are pretty simple already. These clickers are very easy to use as they have labeled buttons on them and they are clearly labeled a, b, c, d, and e.  They are easy to power on and off.  These seem to be the perfect type of technology to use in an elementary classroom.  Using these on a regular day to day basis will allow them to become part of the classroom and hopefully create a sense of comfort in the classroom as the students interact as they work on their problems and are interacting in classroom discussion. Using the iClickers regularly for a warm up or comprehension check is the easiest way to use them.  They are a really good way to keep students involved in class discussion and allow them to interact while learning as well.  Small barriers may be issues such as discouragement if the student answers the problem wrong.  We can overcome this battle though through class discussion as to why the alternative answers are wrong and why the correct answer is right.  

After integrating the iClickers into the classroom, I will know if it is an effective way of teaching if the students are learning and if their improving their understanding as time goes by.  The iClickers should create class discussions and allow students to think through their answers wether they be correct of incorrect.  Students will be more open to explaining their thinking to the class along with asking questions as to why the answer is wrong or right.  Students should show an improvement in their score on the iClicker as the lesson goes on along with as the chapter goes on.  Considering the sole purpose of the iClicker is to improve understanding as a whole class along with create discussion, the students should show great results of improvement in their iClicker answer scores.  I should be able to tell that as the lesson goes on, that the students are beginning to all choose the correct answer because of their engagement.  I feel that having questions throughout the lesson, the students are more likely to pay attention because they are being forced to interact which is the best way for students to learn-through practice.  

Since these iClickers are so easy to integrate into the classroom, I think that they would be a very good investment.  They would be beneficial to both me as the teacher along with the students themselves.  It allows me to make sure they are interacting and paying attention based off of their answers and it gives students an easy way to practice what they're learning.  Also when they answer questions wrong or right, they are able to see why their answer was wrong or right and also see what their fellow peers said.  This is good to make sure the lesson you are teaching is clear before sending your students home to do a homework assignment on their own.  It gives students good first hand information and practice.  I would definitely recommend this iClicker to other teachers to invest in.  This is a very beneficial when trying to have an interactive classroom.  It allows your students to be attentive and learn to the best of their abilities.  

Tiffany Nicole Collier
9/26/2012 05:20:25 am

iClicker is something I would be very hesitant on introducing them into my classroom. When thinking of incorporating iClickers you have to consider the age group. I would never used iClicker because I would like to teacher elementary students and I think they will think of it more as a toy than anything but maybe students in middles school and High school will get the full benefit of using the iClicker.

Jamie Fuss
9/27/2012 07:42:31 am

Using the iClicker as a means of comprehension check is interesting to me, but anything beyond that I would worry about. You said that students could learn from their mistakes but the only types of questions you can ask are multiple choice and I would just be worried that the types of things you would be asking might not be all that meaningful if they are all multiple choice. I am not sure I would incorporate them into my classroom because I feel that other technologies are more universal, with the iClicker, you only need to know how to use it for your class. Whereas using an iPad or excel or the internet, those are skills you would use everywhere. So, your post is interesting to me, I think you did a great job but you might want to think about how they could be unbeneficial.


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